As opposed to
the renowned memorials and statuary art which stand on the grounds of
the State Capitol, many people don't realize the artistic treasures in
the form of bronze and other forms of sculpture which reside within the
Capitol itself.
Foremost among
the many works is the Beadle Statue. This marble statue in the eastern
hallway of the second floor bears the likeness of General William H. H.
Beadle. Beadle is memorialized in the Capitol for his many
noteworthy accomplishments for South Dakota.
In 1869
President Grant appointed him surveyor-general of Dakota Territory. His
journeys through the territory and his previous frontier experience
convinced him that school lands were a trust for future generations and
should be sold at their appraised value and never for less than $10 an
acre. This effort dominated his life. Having watched similar lands
gobbled up for mere nothing by land sharks in other states, Beadle
resolved that if it lay within his power, their acts should not be
repeated in South Dakota.
He served as
secretary of the 1877 commission to codify the territorial laws and as
chairman of the judiciary committee in the territorial House. In 1879 he
became superintendent of public instruction. Beadle drafted the school
lands provision at the South Dakota constitutional convention of 1885.
When Congress
accepted the state constitution in 1889, it was so impressed that
similar provisions were required for North Dakota, Montana, Washington,
Idaho, and Wyoming. This preserved 22 million acres for schools. He is
truly worthy to be considered the father of school and public lands in
this state for his efforts at ensuring the education of our state's
future children by reserving a portion of every section for them.

As was written
about General Beadle on Who's Who in South Dakota (1913):
He went on
horseback and on foot from Yankton to Bismarck and from Sioux Falls
to Deadwood; met the settlers face to face, called public meetings
and addressed them in sod houses; urged them to elect men to the
constitutional convention who would sustain and fight for his school
land provision in it; and when the crucial hour arrived, Beadle won!
All hail! Grand Old Man of the Dakotas! We will kiss the feet of
your marble statue long after your remains lie silent in the dust!
In each corner
alcove of the Rotunda are four bronze sculptures which were dedicated to
the people of South Dakota in 1989, the year South Dakota celebrated its
centennial. The sculptures were created by South Dakota artist Dale
Lamphere of Sturgis, SD.

Courage, Integrity, and Vision were commissioned by the South Dakota
Centennial Commission to commemorate the South Dakota Centennial, and
designed to embody 4 aspects that all South Dakotans share.

A duplicate
bust depicting the head of the Integrity statue resides in the
Governor's Outer office

A bust of
Peter Norbeck resides in the lobby behind the Senate. This image in the
likeness of the former Governor of South Dakota was sculpted by none
other than the man who carved a mountain, Gutzon Borglum.

The Sherrard
plate has remained in the Capitol since 1912 when it was placed there by
the school children of South Dakota and the Women's Christian Temperance
Union in honor of Elizabeth Hazelton Sherrard, the founder of the South
Dakota Children's Home.
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Other Art of
the Capitol