Second Floor
Rotunda Area

The word Rotunda means
"under the dome." The distance from the Rotunda floor to the very top
center black circle of the dome is 96 feet. It is another 65 feet to the top of the copper
outer dome. A Greek-Roman architecture was used in constructing the Capitol. This style of
architecture contains much symbolism, which is reflected in each level of the
Under the Victorian leaded stained glass area
there are 16 oval-like alcove openings. The painting in the center of each opening is of
The Tree of Life.

Next there are
rectangular openings circling the dome. The center flower is the Pasque flower which is
South Dakota's State Flower. It is surrounded by Acantus leaves which symbolize wisdom.

The bottom ring of the
dome, which from the Rotunda floor looks like bands of ribbon tied together, symbolizes
the ring of eternity of government.

Next Stop: Murals of Greek Goddesses
Previous Stop: First Floor - Front of Marble Staircase