Procurement Management
Steven Berg, Director
Information for agencies
The following links are for use by State and local government agencies. These links will provide forms, publications, policies and other information that may be useful to State agency personnel. Many of the files available are PDF files that require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Current Bidletting Schedule
- Bidletting Schedule for 2025-2026
Agencies may check the schedule of bid lettings from the Office of Procurement Management
Purchasing Card Information
This manual provides basic guidelines relating to use of the State of South Dakota Purchasing Card.Use this form to request a purchasing card for a state employee or to change information on a current cardholder. This form can be filled in use Adobe Acrobat, then printed, signed, and submitted to Procurement Management.
Use this resource guide to set up access online navigation to view or print statements.
This document will provide step by step instructions on how to create Distribution Rules in FM01 for Procurement Card Purchases.
Purchasing Forms for State Agency Use
Use this form to request written quotes from vendors for purchases under $50,000 that are not on contract. These forms can be filled in online, and faxed or emailed to suppliers.Use this form to justify the use of a brand name only, or brand name or equal specification when obtaining quotes or submitting requirements for bids. Agencies must provide adequate justification for using a brand name specification. This form must be submitted to OPM for any purchase that requires OPM approval, where a brand name specification is necessary.
Use this form to justify requests for sole source purchases. This form must be submitted along with the requisition to the Office of Procurement Management. This form may be completed and digitally signed using the free Adobe Reader 8.0. A copy can be saved and emailed to OPM.
Use this form to justify requests for emergency purchases. This form must be submitted along with the requisition to the Office of Procurement Management. This form may be completed and digitally signed using the free Adobe Reader 8.0. A copy can be saved and emailed to OPM.
Use this form to justify requests for a waiver of the requirement to purchase environmentally preferable products. This form must be submitted to Procurement Management for approval prior to making any purchase of a non-conforming product. This form may be completed and digitally signed using the most recent version of the free Adobe Reader. A copy can be saved and emailed to OPM.
Purchasing Manual
This manual provides guidance to State agencies on the Office of Procurement Management's procedures for procuring items needed by agencies.Purchasing Policies
Bid Limits and Use of Other Government Contracts- State agencies and institutions are to utilize established state contracts for purchases of goods and services. If a state contract is not available, an agency may:
- Make purchases of supplies or services that do not exceed $4,000 and are not available on a state contract, by using their best discretion to obtain the best value for the taxpayers;
- Make purchases of supplies not exceeding $50,000 and not available on a state contract, by obtaining three written quotes. Purchases of supplies under this provision require the agency to submit a requisition to the Office of Procurement Management. A purchase order issued by OPM will authorize the purchase. State agencies may make purchases of services not exceeding $50,000, by using their best discretion to obtain the best value for the taxpayers; agencies are responsible to issue their own contracts or service purchase orders for services;
- Make purchases of supplies exceeding $50,000 by submitting requirements to OPM which will be placed on a schedule bid letting;
- Enter into contracts for services exceeding $50,000 by advertising for competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals in compliance with SDCL 5-18A;
- Make purchases of supplies or services, other than professional services, from active contracts that have been awarded by any government entity by competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals, or from any government entity within the previous twelve months. Such purchases require a requisition to Procurement Management. A purchase order issued by OPM will authorize the purchase; or
- Make purchases from contracts issued by the United States General Services Administration (GSA) that are open to state and local government purchasing. Such purchases require a requisition to Procurement Management. A purchase order issued by OPM will authorize the purchase.
Emergency Purchase Policy - SDCL 5-18A-9
This policy provides guidance to State agencies on requirements for "emergency purchases".
For a copy of the emergency justification form please click the following link Emergency Purchase Form
Sole Source Purchase Policy - SDCL 5-18A-8
An agency must provide complete written documentation to the Procurement Management Director that a supply is only available from one source and give the reasons for there being only one source. Stating that it is the "only known source" is not acceptable without publicly advertising for bids or proposals. A sole source justification form must accompany the requisition for sole source purchases.
The Office of Procurement Management may issue a Notice of Intent for Sole Source Purchase whenever any agency requests such authority. The notice will be posted on the State's electronic procurement system for seven (7) days, providing documentation of the supplies requested along with the requesting agency's justification for the sole source request. OPM will allow vendors to submit written objections to the requested sole source which will be evaluated by the Procurement Director. The Procurement Director will then make a final decision on the sole source request, which may include that the items be subject to a request for competitive sealed bids or proposals.
For a copy of the sole source form click the following link Sole Source Form
Purchase of Environmentally Preferred Products - SDCL 5-18A-38
Each state agency and institution shall procure environmentally preferable products whenever practicable. If an agency is procuring an environmentally preferred product that is not available on a state contract, the agency shall use the specifications and criteria established in the policy listed below to make the purchase: Environmentally Preferred Products Policy #ES-08-01
Request for Proposal/Service Contract Process
Contact RFP Coordinator Missy Schuetzle, and or 605-773-4277, for questions regarding RFPs.
Executive Branch agencies wishing to issue a Request for Proposals for contractual services, other than information technology related services and professional services, may use the template above to draft their RFP.
If the resulting service contract is valued at $50,000 or more agencies must advertise their RFP in accordance with SDCL 5-18A-14. For service contracts below $50,000 a formal RFP is not required; agencies are authorized to obtain a quote or quotes and contract directly with the vendor that best satisfies their needs.
Executive Branch agencies wishing to issue a Request for Proposals for professional services, as defined in SDCL 5-18A-1 (19), may use the template above to draft their RFP. This template is similar to the Services RFP template, except that the evaluation section now reflects the evaluation criteria required by SDCL 5-18D-18.
If the resulting professional service contract exceeds $50,000 agencies must comply with the procedures set forth in SDCL 5-18D-17 through 5-18D-21. All Professional Services RFP in excess of $50,000 must be posted on State's electronic procurement system. Agencies may send their finalized RFP to the Office Procurement Management for posting on the electronic procurement system. It is the agency's responsibility to ensure that the RFP is legally sufficient and free of administrative errors such as misspelled words, incorrect dates and formatting errors.
This form is used to annotate the use of an RFP exemption as prescribed in SDCL 5-18D-21. Per the Office of the State Auditor's policy, state agencies must complete this form and attach it to back of every new consulting contract turned into the State Auditor.
- Information Technology Service RFPs and Contracts - BIT Intranet Web Page
Click on the link above for detailed information regarding Information Technology Service RFPs and Contracts. The Bureau of Information & Telecommunications (BIT) staff are available to assist in developing detailed specifications for proposals, reviewing RFP and contract drafts and providing customer service on vendor related questions and answers. RFPs processed through this review process are examined for technical issues and can be re-submitted for subsequent reviews as needed. The Technology Review Process is used only for information and technology related projects approved by agency management. Projects not approved must go through the appropriate agency approval process.
Click on the link above for detailed information regarding the procedures for posting the RFP Register of Proposals as required by SDCL 5-18D-20. It is NOT OPM's responsibility to post the Register of Proposals on OPEN.SD; it's the state agency that signed the contract responsibility to post the Register of Proposals.
Click on the link above for detailed information regarding the procedures for posting a contract on OPEN.SD as required by SDCL 1-27-46. All contracts over $10K must be posted on OPEN.SD; it's the state agency that signed the contract responsibility to post it.
Additional Information Regarding RFP's- HB 1260 Requirements for State Agencies
- Office of Procurement Management PowerPoint
- BFM - Register of Proposals System
- RFP Training Resources
- RFP Process Workgroup Report
RFP Resources For State Agencies
The links below provide training and informational resources that may be useful to State agency personnel responsible for their agency's request for proposal processes. These materials are provided as informational resources only and are not indications of State of South Dakota law or policy relating to the Request for Proposal process.
These materials are made available through a multi-user license from the RFP Mentor (Michael Asner Holdings Ltd), and are subject to copyright. They are available for South Dakota government use only, and are not be copied or distributed without permission.
Please contact Steve Berg at Procurement Management if you have questions about the authorized use of these materials or to request use of the training cds for a staff group training session.
Many of the files available are PDF files that require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You will need to turn on your speakers for the PowerPoint presentation.
You should print the resource guide below for use when going through the PowerPoint presentation. The worksheets are included in the resource guide so they do not need to be printed separately.
The first few slides identify additional resources on the cd. We have provided links to each of those resources below:
- The Request for Proposal Handbook Chapters 7&8
- New York State Procurement Guidelines
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Guidelines for Ensuring Best Value Procurement
- New Mexico Request for Proposal Procurement Guide
- Montana - Initiating and Navigating the Request for Proposal Process
- Federal Transit Administration - U.S. Department of Transportation - "Best Practices Procurement Manual"
- Federal Acquisition Institute - Unit 47: Debriefing
- Office of Government Commerce (UK) - Supplier Debriefing
- Alaska - RFP Evaluator's Guide
- State of Victoria (Australia), Dept. of Treasury and Finance - Best Practice Advice - Probity
- State of Victoria (Australia), Dept. of Treasury and Finance - Probity Plan (Template)
- Atlantic Lottery Corp. - Evaluation Charter
Procurement of Environmentally Preferable Products Live Meeting Documentation
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Sample Procurement Language
- Administrative Rules - ARSD 10:02:05
- GreenSeal Website
- Ecologo Website
- EnergyStar Website
- WaterSense Website
- USDA BioPreferred Website
- EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for Paper
- EPA Design for the Environment Website
- Form to Request Waiver from Requirements of the Administrative Rules
Please contact Steven Berg at Procurement Management if you have questions.