Commissioner Darin R. Seeley

Office of Fleet & Travel Management

David McFarland, Director

Lodging Establishments Offering State Rates


This list is maintained by the Fleet & Travel Office and is for reference only. Employees/Departments are responsible for making reservations. DIRECT BILLING questions/applications should be directed to your department's finance office. If you would like to list or remove a lodging establishment, or if you have comments, please contact Amy Boxley at 605-773-3162 or by email at

Employees must be traveling on State business. Fleet & Travel Management suggests verifying the state rate being charged at the time a reservation is made. Lodging Establishments are not required to honor state rates, known exceptions are listed. 

Per Diem Rate

ARSD 5:01:02:14 outlines the rates for In-state per diem rates.  In-State Lodging-not to exceed the rate set by the General Service Administration (GSA). The Standard rate of $110.00 per night will apply to travel in all counties in South Dakota, except for those specifically listed by the GSA. Each October 1, the mileage rate and in-state lodging reimbursement rate will update to align with the rates set by the federal government.  FY2025 per diem rates from GSA are now available (click link)  

Primary Destination County Maximum Loding Rate+Taxes and Mandatory Fees
Standard Rate Applies for all locations without specified rates $110
Deadwood/Spearfish Lawrence

October: $110

November-April: $110

May-September: $140

Hot Springs Fall River/Custer

October-May: $110

June-September: $161

Rapid City Pennington

October-May: $110

June-August: $158

September: $110



POV rates:consistent with the mileage reimbursement rate for business set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

POV1- when a state vehicle is NOT available: .67 per mile

POV2- when a state vehicle IS available: .302 per mile

Special Needs Mileage (large vehicle-passenger or cargo van, pick up, or sports utility vehicle): .871 per mile

Special Needs Mileage (regular vehicle-any other motor vehicle)- .67 per mile

An individual with special needs is a person with a disability that makes the person unable temporarily or permanently to operate an unmodified state vehilce but allows the person to operate a personal motor vehicle that is equipped or modified to be operated in spite of the disability. 



*Bed & Breakfast